We started the #QuarantineQuarters 48-Hour Writing Competition
right away, with the first writing weekend on March 25, 2020 and our first live streamed performance on April 3, 2020.
Now that we're starting up our live events, we're still sending out prompts! We'll choose our favorites and publish them in a collection at the end of the year!
right away, with the first writing weekend on March 25, 2020 and our first live streamed performance on April 3, 2020.
Now that we're starting up our live events, we're still sending out prompts! We'll choose our favorites and publish them in a collection at the end of the year!
enjoy some free theatre!
- Celluloid Stage with Zack Hatrick and Ellen Scherer (and a weekly guest!)
- #QuarantineQuarters Live Readings
Want to show your support for Green Buffalo Productions?
$1/ month
All Previous Benefits+
All Previous Benefits+
All Previous Benefits+
All Previous Benefits+
All Previous Benefits+
- Shout out in a #QuarantineQuarters Live Reading, current podcast/recording, and all current production program(s).
- Early access to the Celluloid Stage podcast
- Bonus episodes of the Celluloid Stage podcast
All Previous Benefits+
- Exclusive Access to the #QuarantineQuarters prompt submission form.
- Current Episode of 2018 Emerald Terrace.
All Previous Benefits+
- Exclusive Interview shows based on our current Patreon Radio Show!
- Current Show: Elevator Talk (2018 Emerald Terrace)
- A Personalized Thank You Card signed by the GBP Board (One Time Only)
All Previous Benefits+
- Bonus Recording Content such as blooper reels, behind the scenes, extended cuts, read-throughs, and more!
- Current Project: Look Up by Sarah Henderson
- When we reopen our live events: Playbill or Poster from our current/most recent production signed by the GBP Board
All Previous Benefits+
- A brand new play a month written by either Ellen Scherer or Madison Sedlor to read and enjoy! Welcome to the Script of the Month club!
- When we reopen live: A prop from current/most recent production signed by the GBP Board!
- Patrons who have been members of this Tier: Every three months receive some exclusive GBP Merch!
All Previous Benefits+
- All Actor, Playwright, Director, and GBP Thespian benefits
- When we reopen: Invitation to table readings for current production season
Coming up
- GBP Comedy Queen
- Treading Water
- 31 Plays of Halloween
- Spooky One Act Festival 2022